
Who we are

Who we are here at Benevity is hugely shaped by why we’re here. Benevity is a company of dreamers and doers whose unique makeup has made us a company with unprecedented growth and prosocial impact.  

When Benevity began, we were a scrappy start-up determined to challenge and change the status quo—to help companies, people and causes to do things differently and do to even more good. So, while a lot has changed, a lot really has stayed the same. We still have a culture where positive impact is the priority.

With 88% of Benevity-ites having participated in MyGoodness so far this year alone, we’re more than just walking the talk. We are indeed buying what we’re selling,

Who we are at Benevity is hugely shaped by why we’re here. Benevity is a company of dreamers and doers whose unique makeup has made us a company with unprecedented growth and prosocial impact.  

When Benevity began, we were a scrappy start-up determined to challenge and change the status quo — to help companies, people and causes to do things differently and do even more good. So while a lot has changed, a lot really has stayed the same. We still have a culture where positive impact is the priority. With 92% of Benevity-ites having participated on our own internal giving platform — named MyGoodness — in 2019, we’re more than just walking the talk. We are indeed picking up what we’re putting down.


We have been, and continue to be, very thoughtful and intentional about the kind of culture we are, well, cultivating. Our biggest differentiator continues to be our people. So what does this mean?

It means that our competitors can copy our UX, software, and business model (and they have), but they can’t copy our culture or clone our people.

Benevity continues to stand out because of our people-focused culture of passionate service, and our dedication to solve for the needs of both people and the charitable and corporate landscape. With the basis of our business focussed on genuinely changing the world for the better, it’s pretty easy to get (and stay) excited!

Our dream is to infuse the world with a culture of Goodness and help companies engage their people in prosocial behaviour, which we know helps drive positive social, business, and personal impact.

Our shared passion is deeply ingrained and what unifies us across all roles, teams and offices. The greatest testament to this is perhaps our participation in and unparalleled commitment to MyGoodness. Our cultural ethos revolves around building the right company for each other, rather than for ourselves. We all have a key role to play in ensuring that Benevity is (and stays) the kind of company that we want to be a part of and share with our friends, parents, partners, and strangers.

We’ll spend a lot more time in Launch Pad talking about culture, and within your first few months, you’ll even meet with our CEO, Kelly, to chat more about it. In the meantime, check out the video above that gives you a sneak peek at our Benevity Manifesto; we think it’s a pretty fun way to share more about who we are!